Saturday, October 22, 2011

Wisconsin Takes Over London and Sweden

This past weekend was spent trying to see London in just a few short days... although I think we did a pretty great job at it, it was not nearly enough time in that city. The sights are gorgeous such as the Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, The London Eye, and the Parliament Building! Not to mention I was in great company, my two good friends Christina and Liz joined me in Sweden to take the journey. We then met up with another friend Kate who showed us the ropes seeing as she is living in Kensington. It was a great weekend and here are a couple of pictures.... Oh and we went to Church. Not your average church, but one that consists of a college students dressing up in the most obnoxious outfits at 10:00am, taking the tubes, and well going to the most amazing party I have ever been to! You'll understand once you see the pics...

PackAttack Takes Over Church:)

Group pic
Big Ben
The London Eye

Buckingham Palace
Little girl and Mom getting attacked by Swans

Biking through Hyde Park... Favorite thing!
Typical Tourists
M&M Abby Lane
Riding the Tubes!
To end the week, Christina and Liz came back to Sweden for a couple of days! We had fun walking around the city, going to the lake, and then visiting Stockholm and the Royal Palace..
Flat Stanley
USA... kinda
Bridge in Stockholm
Flame holder at the Casino in Stockholm
Well that's it for now! Brad gets in on Monday morning and we leave on Wednesday for Prague and Rome! Sooooo excited to see all of the sights and to have a little nicer weather! Let's hope it cooperates with us! Miss you alll!
<3 Rach

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Land of Leprechaun's and Scotties

This was by far the best trip I have ever been on. I was surrounded by great people and two amazing cities. We started out in Dublin. Not going to lie, I was expecting green grass and castles on hilltops... It was nothing of the sort. Dublin is the more industrial side of Ireland. It was gorgeous and the people were very nice, but definitely a different experience than expected. The pubs were a blast and we went on a couple tours... The old Jameson Distillery, the Guinness factory, and the Dublin Zoo to name a few. All were a blast and I took plenty of pictures to show it... Oh and did I mention it rained the entire time... oh well. At least we got the full Ireland experience.

View from the Gravity bar on the top floor of the Guinness Factory

The group... Bryan from Nebraska, Sara from Virginia, Me, Andrew from Canada, and Elaina from Boston (our new friend)

Can't leave the Guinness Factory without a Guinness Mustache picture

Kilmainham Gaol - The Famous Dublin Jail

The Start of the Dublin Zoo

Random shots throughout the Temple BAr area

Goodbye Ireland, Hello Scotland... Probably the most beautiful city I have been to thus far...

Edinburgh Castle

Sara and I in the Middle of the Royal Mile
Entrance of the Edinburgh Castle

View from Calton Hill
Edinburgh Castle at Night