Tuesday, November 29, 2011

December Fun:)

Well, the final count down of classes has finally began. My classes are officially over in a week and two days with only two finals after that! I am so excited... Then the real adventures begin. Here's a little itinerary for my last half of December:

I leave for Kiruna, Sweden on the 16th for the weekend....

This was on my top things to do before I went home. I get to go dog sledding, assuming they get some more snow (fingers crossed,) camp out in the middle of nowhere, see some reindeer, and if all goes accordingly see the aurora borealis, Northern Lights!!!

Then I'll be home for a few days to say some goodbyes (sad, it's almost over) to all of my house because they will not be returning before I leave... then off to Vienna, Austria I go:)
I saw these pictures of their Christmas Markets and I knew I had to go here...
A town full of Christmas lights, Candy, Decorations, and little stores throughout... Sounds like a wonderful alternative to being at home.... And they almost always have a White Christmas, not nearly as white as ours at home, but seeing as Sweden has no snow at all... I will take it!
I have already begun my daily viewing of Irving Berlin's White Christmas, literally the day after Thanksgiving:) Best Christmas movie ever!

I'll return from there on Christmas Eve to celebrate with the remaining Exchange students in Sweden... Surprisingly I think there might be a good handful of us left! We are all planning on having dinner at my house due to the fact that I am the last person here with a big kitchen and dining area!

Then my last trip of the semester (wow!) to Tallinn, Estonia and Riga, Latvia for a New Years Cruise with two of my friends here!

(We start in Stockholm, then go to Tallinn, Estonia for a few days, and then off to Riga, Latvia)

Sooo excited for this. Everyone has had amazing stories about their trips to both places through out the semester and I was always bummed that I missed out! But now I get my chance:)
And then one day later...

I'll post some pictures on the way!!! See you all in about a Month!

<3 Rach

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Pecka's Take Over Europe

It's been awhile since I have had time to post on here, but I thought a recap
of the last month that I have spent here is quite necessary.
After the departure of my two friends, Liz and Christina, I had one more visitor on the way!
My brother!

We had an exciting two weeks ahead of us including:
Stockholm, where we ventured through out the city to see the
Vasa Mueseum... An entire museum devoted to a ship that ended up sinking less than one mile into its departure into the sea. The ship may not have sailed long, but it spent a miraculous 333 years under water until it was dug out and then floated back to shore. The ship itself is in amazing condition for how long it spent in the water...
The Museum of Nordic Culture
And my favorite: the first ever IceBar... Everything from the walls, benches, bar and glasses was made of ice. 45 minutes in there, then the outside didn't feel so cold anymore:p

From Stockholm we went to Prague, Czech Republic.
It was such a fun city to visit filled with amazing architecture, the largest fortress in Europe, and cheap beer... 1-2 dollars isn't too bad for a pint when I am used to paying 8-9 for a tiny bottle in Sweden. We enjoyed roaming around in the city, but the cobblestone sure took a tole on my feet and my shoes.

Our last stop was Rome, Italy.
The historic content of this city is incredible and the views were just the same! From the Colosseum to St. Peters Basilica... Something is constantly catching your eye. And if the monuments and buildings don't... The pizza and pasta surly will!
We spent a full 4 days in Rome and still have plenty more that we could have done and ate.

Just another reason to return some other day...

Astronomical Clock

St. Charles Bridge

John Lennon Wall


Trevi Fountain:)
Me and then brad tossing a coin into the Trevi Fountain - Means that you will come back someday:)

Inside St. Peter's Basilica
Michelangelo's Pieta

The Colosseum