Monday, August 22, 2011

Hulphersgatan 3 - The apartment!

Hey everyone,

Well today was very exciting. All but one of the roommates have moved in! There is one guy and two girls from Germany, one girl from Finland, one girl from Hungry, one girl from The Netherlands, two guys from Spain, and one guy from France! It is a very culturally diverse house. We spent most of the day getting to know each other and learning each others customs. Most of them speak English fairly well. We all range in ages 21-24 so it should be a very fun time. We had a big "family" dinner tonight... Pasta (mhhhh my favorite!) Tomorrow we are all taking a bus ride to ikea together to get some stuff for the apartment and our rooms. So that should be fun! Miss you all very much!

Pictures are coming soon:)

<3 Rach

1 comment:

  1. This is your Aunt Brenda. Glad you're doing well. Grandma told me all about your subway snafu and not being able to find your money for the cab driver --- you are the talk of the town! I'll be checking in on your blog to see how things are going.

    Take care.Have lotsa fun on your new adventure...
