Friday, August 19, 2011

Välkomna to Sweden!

Hey everyone,

Well I am officially in Sweden! I met some new friends already on the plane... none of which are living in the same city, but at least the plane rides started off in the right direction. From the airport one of my new friends had an old foreign exchange student that is from the Stockholm area... we jam packed a 2 door car with 4 big suitcases (mine alone were probably enough for the whole car) plus 4 people and all of our carry ons. Needless to say that was an experience by itself. We continued to drive into Stockholm City which was unbelievable! It was basically like a downtown chicago filled with a million people and lots of shops, none of which I could read, but I'll get the hang of it! The grand central station was just like you would see it in a movie... the staircase and big clock with the intricate architecture. It was beautiful, but I was in a rush to get to my platform so I had to sprint through it. I couldn't read my ticket to get onto the train so I ended up getting on the wrong class and then they were going to kick me out because she didn't speak English, but luckily the guy net to me was from England and translated everything for me. Needless to say, she let me stay on... Thank goodness. Once getting into Vasteras, I went straight to my hotel. It is gorgeous on the outside. The inside is a bit older and to top it off they have the smallest elevators in the world. My luggage wouldn't fit in it, the door started making all sorts of noises, and then finally an older man came and tried to help, but then mummbled something in Swedish and walked away. The receptionist saw me struggling and got two others to help take my luggage to the top. It was a rough start in the hotel, but everything is alright and I am settled into my room until Sunday when I get to go to my new place for the semester.

If all of this happened to me in the first day in Sweden, I can only imagine the rest of the adventure to come!

<3 Rachael

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